Life Recently: A Photo Story
I’m fascinated by documentary style photography. To me, it captures real life...the full story in a way that no other type of photography...

Lessons from a Rough Night
The other night was rough. Like, breakdown, rip your hair out, give up kind of hard. Don’t ask me why, because I have yet to figure it...

The Death of the Supermom
Supermom. I like the term less and less. It creates an idea of perfection. It creates division. This is not who I am or an ideal I desire to

A Thanksgiving Reflection
Three years ago, I had definite plans for my life, but God had different ones (but that’s a long story for a different day. Maybe someday...

The Wall of No Creativity
I want this blog space to be a place of encouragement, honesty and real life. I want it to be a place to explore my writing and more...

Fall Exploring
After we moved, one of the first things I did was search for a good park. Little Man loves going to parks, and I wanted to find one as...

Motherhood: The Good and the Hard
This week, I’ve felt so overwhelmed and inadequate as a mama. I’ve been shorter-tempered and easily angered. I’ve used tv as a...

Motherhood and Rest
Let's talk a little about rest. Rest is so often neglected in life. School, work marriage, parenting, family time and other...

Beauty in Breastfeeding
This week is world breastfeeding week! I am a major believer in the incredible benefits of breastfeeding, and in working to normalize it...

10 Things You May Not Know About Me
Hi Everyone! I've kinda been missing from this space the past week. We've had a lot going on and this has ended up taking the back...