There and Back Again

Hello again! It's been a long while, but I'm back...hopefully for longer this time around. When I started my blog, I had this big idea that I'd be like all the other mom bloggers who grow a massive organic following from nothing, and have all kinds of brand partnerships, gorgeous clothing and expensive products.
Okay...that really wasn't my goal. I started this blog because I love writing, I'm a mom, and I know that sometimes motherhood can be hard. I wanted to create a place to write about my life, with a large focus on encouraging other moms and helping them see that they are not alone. That truly was the heart of it for me. But you know what? Peer pressure crept in. I would see all these “big time” mom blogs and wonder what I was doing wrong..why I couldn't be like that. I also saw the negative side of blogging: people being themselves and others being nasty, judgmental, and totally awful toward them. It became negative for me in several ways, and I also wanted to protect my family from the criticism and disgusting stuff that can happen when you open yourself on social media.
Aside from that, we also moved states. My husband began his college coaching career, while also working a full-time day job, my business began to grow a little, we had the holidays, some crazy life happenings, and this space just slipped away from priority.
I'm realizing that is completely FINE. I'm happy to have stepped away.
But now I'm back to try again, realizing that I can use this space how I want's mine after all! I can focus on sharing what I feel is important, and I can protect my family without sharing all.
So here I am and here is what I plan to shape my little blog into.
More of a focus on encouragement to mothers
A real focus on living with anxiety and depression
Open pieces about my faith, being a coaching family, and anything else close to my heart
Real life photos
Glimpses of my work as a freelancer
Documentary/Street/Journalistic Photography because I have a growing passion for it
Occasional posts about brands or products I love (but that will not be the focus)
To wrap up, here are a few things about me!
I'm in my middle-ish twenties
I had Little Man when I was 21 and graduated from college on his first birthday
We're a coaches family currently located in Ohio – but who knows where the game will take us!
I work from home as a creative freelancer
I deal with anxiety and occasional depression
I'm stronger than I look and more sensitive than I appear
I'm so excited for this new start! Keep an eye out for upcoming posts and some updates to the design and structure of the blog. Thanks for reading and have a happy week!