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10 Things You May Not Know About Me

Hi Everyone! I've kinda been missing from this space the past week. We've had a lot going on and this has ended up taking the back burner, but I'm ready to get back into it! Today, I thought I'd share some fun and random facts about myself!

1. I have played piano for more of my life than not (about 16 years). It is something I am still passionate about and it's something I always know I can go to for peace and to just completely let go and be myself.

2. I journal nearly everyday. Sometimes I struggle to voice what I'm feeling or thinking, but when I journal or write, my words flow freely. Journaling helps me understand myself, and sort out a lot of things. It also helps me document all aspects of life – the beautiful and the difficult – and I think that looking back on the many years of journals is a visual reminder of God's grace working in every detail of my life.

3. I used to never think of myself as being someone who would practice yoga, but in the past few years, it's something I've picked up. I don't look at it as a religious/spiritual practice, but as exercise and a practice to strengthen and clear my body and mind. I'm not wonderful at it, but I'm slowly improving and I find it to be amazing exercise and strengthening, as well as mentally and physically healing.

4. Bronze and gold decorating pieces are my favorite, and I love finding ways to use them as accent pieces in our apartment.

5. My decorating style is quite eclectic – a mixture of minimalism, Scandinavian, modern, vintage and bohemian – and it's totally me. It may not be for everyone, but it speaks to the simple and straightforward as well as the creative and free-spirited parts of who I am.

6. My favorite late-night snack is a bowl of cereal.

7. I grew up loving to read. Before I could read on my own, my mom spent hours reading to me and my sister. From the time I learned to read on my own, I devoured books. In middle and high-school, I would spend hours reading all sorts of books. In college, my cluttered schedule and being forced to read excessively boring books for classes made me mostly lose that part of me. Fiction books are full of amazing places and new adventures and I love that. Non-fiction books often give me a sense of camaraderie, and help me realize that I'm not alone in the world. No matter the type of book, I have learned so much through my years of reading. It's a part of me I'm trying to make time for again.

8. As someone who loves reading, I also love collecting books! While there are many incredible e-reader options out there, I prefer collecting real, physical books. There is something about the look, texture, and smell of an actual book that cannot be replaced by the electronic version. I am ever on the lookout for books to add to my collection.

9. Overall, I'm an introverted person. When I took the Myers Briggs a couple of years ago, I was classified as somewhere in between an INFJ and INFP. For me, that looks like being pretty uncomfortable in a group larger than 6-8 people, and even more uncomfortable if that group is mostly or only people I do not know well. People think that being introverted means that you aren't social and don't like people, but that is completely a wrong interpretation of it! I actually love people, and I am social and enjoy getting out and doing things. I just prefer small groups, and doing things with people I know well. I get overstimulated easily in loud, crowded or stressful situations. I also H A T E small talk and surface level conversations and relationships. If I'm going to have a conversation or develop a relationship, I want it to be deep and to the point. As an INFJ/INFP, I observe a lot and am typically quite perceptive of others. I have a strong desire to be understood on a detailed level, and want the people closest to me (for example, my husband) to truly understand my thought processes and my heart. It bothers me when people misunderstand who I am or something I have said or written.

10. Being a mom is the best thing that could have happened to me. I was shocked when I found out I was pregnant. The timing was anything but ideal (that's a story for another day though). I had quite an adjustment period where I came to accept that this was the direction my life was going, and to grow excited about becoming a mom. Now, I A B S O L U T E L Y would never go back. It's amazing how someone can come into your life so unexpectedly and how you just completely fall in love with them. That's how I feel about my little man. He was so unexpected, but the intense love I feel for him is unwavering. In his short life, he has already taught me so much. He has brought buckets full of joy into our lives. He has brought laughter and countless smiles. He has shown me what innocent, trusting love is. He has even taught me more about myself and helped given me confidence in who I am and helped me feel free to be me. Motherhood can be difficult at times, but it's also incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully perfect and beautiful.

Wow! That was long! If you actually kept reading through this whole post, I am impressed! Thanks for dropping by and sticking it out!

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