Life Recently: Photos to End August
Hello all! We’ve had a busy week! We bought a car, are working on some other huge life stuff, and Little Man and I flew up to PA to...

Life Recently: A Photo Story
I’m fascinated by documentary style photography. To me, it captures real life...the full story in a way that no other type of photography...

Lessons from a Rough Night
The other night was rough. Like, breakdown, rip your hair out, give up kind of hard. Don’t ask me why, because I have yet to figure it...

The Death of the Supermom
Supermom. I like the term less and less. It creates an idea of perfection. It creates division. This is not who I am or an ideal I desire to

Facial Care and Last Minute Gift Ideas!
One of my goals for the upcoming year is to continue to improve my skin care. Between weird post-pregnancy hormones, the exhaustion and...

A Thanksgiving Reflection
Three years ago, I had definite plans for my life, but God had different ones (but that’s a long story for a different day. Maybe someday...

Some of Our Favorite Things
Happy Friday! Give yourself a pat on the back, because you've made it through another week! Yay you!!!!! Today, I thought I would...

Eating by the Bowl
Everyone needs a go-to item for easy breakfasts and snacks – something tasty and simple that takes no time to put together. Ya feel me on...

Two Things to Make to Bring Fall To Your Kitchen
I've done it! I've officially created two fall things in the kitchen that I never thought I was capable of successfully completing. What...

Fresh Ideas from the Freezer
You may have figured out by now that I really love food. I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoy eating. I also enjoy cooking, experimenting