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Beauty in Breastfeeding

This week is world breastfeeding week! I am a major believer in the incredible benefits of breastfeeding, and in working to normalize it in our culture. Little man is going on 15 months of breastfeeding (now he obviously eats food too), and I am hoping to get him to at least 18 months! We have had some difficult days/phases of it, but I am thankful to have had a strong milk supply, and relatively few complications with the breastfeeding process. 

I realize that some moms are not able to breastfeed for a variety of reasons, and I am issuing no judgment here. However, I am absolutely convinced that if possible, breastfeeding is the best option for a baby. Any amount of time you can give your child that gift of life is of worth, and the longer, the better. Here are some of my favorite things about breastfeeding. 1. It is the healthiest nourishment you can give a baby. By breastfeeding, the mother passes on numerous immunities, and the exact amount of vitamins, energy, protein and other nutrients necessary to nourish a growing infant. According to, breastfed babies are typically more resistant to numerous diseases, and have a significantly lower risk of SIDS, among other things. 2. It is the healthiest option for the mother. Breastfeeding helps women lose weight more quickly after giving birth and lowers the mother's risk of developing osteoporosis, and breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer ( It can also help mothers cope with baby blues and postpartum depression. 3. The bond of a breastfed mother and baby is unlike any other. As quickly as 20 minutes after birth, the newborn instinctively looks to nurse ( From the very beginning, the baby craves this nourishment and bond. Breastfeeding also releases oxytocin, which is the hormone that increases feelings of love and protection, which helps the new mother bond more closely with her baby ( This is the foundation, and the love/bond/protecting only grow through the process. 4. Breastfeeding saves money! It is estimated that breastfeeding can save families up to $3,000 a year simply by not having to buy formula ( It's totally free! These are some of the most basic reasons I love breastfeeding. The benefits, bond, and even the financial aspect are all amazing. If you want more information about breastfeeding benefits or need help or breastfeeding resources, check out La Leche League International  and Breastfeeding USA. I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity to nourish my son in his first year(s) of life. The memories of this time are irreplaceable and though hard sometimes, I would never trade it for anything.  

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