Lessons from a Rough Night
The other night was rough. Like, breakdown, rip your hair out, give up kind of hard. Don’t ask me why, because I have yet to figure it...

The Death of the Supermom
Supermom. I like the term less and less. It creates an idea of perfection. It creates division. This is not who I am or an ideal I desire to

The Awe Of 18 Months
It’s 8:30 am as I’m writing this, and we’ve been up for almost 2 hours already. I’m still fighting off a cold, so I’m sitting in Little...

Some of Our Favorite Things
Happy Friday! Give yourself a pat on the back, because you've made it through another week! Yay you!!!!! Today, I thought I would...

Eating by the Bowl
Everyone needs a go-to item for easy breakfasts and snacks – something tasty and simple that takes no time to put together. Ya feel me on...

The Wall of No Creativity
I want this blog space to be a place of encouragement, honesty and real life. I want it to be a place to explore my writing and more...

Fall Exploring
After we moved, one of the first things I did was search for a good park. Little Man loves going to parks, and I wanted to find one as...

Motherhood: The Good and the Hard
This week, I’ve felt so overwhelmed and inadequate as a mama. I’ve been shorter-tempered and easily angered. I’ve used tv as a...

Motherhood and Rest
Let's talk a little about rest. Rest is so often neglected in life. School, work marriage, parenting, family time and other...

A Trip to the Zoo
A couple of weeks ago we took a trip to the zoo! This was Little Man's first trip to the zoo since he was around 3 months old, and I was...