Fresh Ideas from the Freezer
You may have figured out by now that I really love food. I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoy eating. I also enjoy cooking, experimenting

On Poetic Words
When I was little – okay, maybe even through high-school – I snubbed my nose at poetry of essentially any type. I thought it was...

Fall Exploring
After we moved, one of the first things I did was search for a good park. Little Man loves going to parks, and I wanted to find one as...

Motherhood: The Good and the Hard
This week, I’ve felt so overwhelmed and inadequate as a mama. I’ve been shorter-tempered and easily angered. I’ve used tv as a...

Does the struggle define me?
Sometimes, it may feel like phases of life or our struggles, pasts, failures and shortcomings define who we are. When we tell ourselves...

Hair with Suave
I'm always up for trying new hair products. I like seeing how well they work with my hair and I ESPECIALLY like when they're affordable!...

Motherhood and Rest
Let's talk a little about rest. Rest is so often neglected in life. School, work marriage, parenting, family time and other...

A Trip to the Zoo
A couple of weeks ago we took a trip to the zoo! This was Little Man's first trip to the zoo since he was around 3 months old, and I was...

Self-Care in a Season of Change
Life has hit hard lately. There's been a ton of good, and some difficult, emotional stuff and it's kind of all piled together and I...

Clear and Clean with Seventh Generation
Happy Hump Day! So, we received these samples of Seventh Generation Free & Clear Wipes to try for free trough the Generation Good...