On Poetic Words

When I was little – okay, maybe even through high-school – I snubbed my nose at poetry of essentially any type. I thought it was definitely silly, a little ridiculous, confusing and just plain weird. There was no room in my life for poetry, because to me, it was pretty worthless.
I've grown up.
Suddenly, after studying journalism and words through college, getting married, becoming a mom and having countless new experiences, my mind has awoken to the beauty of poetry. I feel an inexplicable draw to poetic words. I am drawn to reading it and studying it.
As a writer, I am drawn toward learning to create poetry. I am new to this craft, and my attempts are feeble at best, but I enjoy this new way of arranging the words that are continually flowing through my head.
I am even ordering books on poetry. Copies of Hemingway's complete poetry collection and Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur are both shipped and on their way to me.
Seriously, what is happening to me?!?
Perhaps some day, when I learn more of the craft, I will share some poetry here. We shall see.
But for now, I will enjoy this new phase of reading and writing and learning, and soak it all in
and grow in the process.