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Life Update: Change Pt.1

map, change, transitions, moving

Change: “to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc. of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone” (

If you've been following my Instagram account (check out @frecklesandredheads ) you might have seen that our family is in a season of change right now. My husband has accepted an assistant baseball pitching coach position at the college level! To say that my husband is passionate about baseball is almost an understatement. He played baseball from the age of four all the way through college. Ever since college, he has been coaching, reading about, and continuing to be involved in the sport in any way he possibly can. I truly believe that being a baseball coach is one of his main life callings. For awhile now, he has been drawn toward coaching at the college level. This has been a dream of his and something he has worked very hard for and I am incredibly proud of him and excited to journey with him into this new phase of life!

You know though, change can be scary. As excited as we are, there have been scary “steps of faith” that we have had to make in this process. We are transitioning from a well-paying, “solid” job, to a lesser paying job. We are on the search for housing and trying to figure out do we rent? Do we buy? In a city that has a tight and regulated housing market. We've had to step out into the unknown, feeling confident that accepting this job was the right decision, but not fully knowing how all of the details would fall into place.

That can be scary. If you're like me, you prefer to have a solid plan and when pushed into uncertainty, you want to run, shirk back in fear and run the opposite direction. Most of us want to know that all the details will work out before we act. We want to know that we aren't going to fail and that we are making the absolute, 100% positively right decision.

The cool thing though, is that I'm learning that it is okay not to have it all figured out, but to step out anyway. I'm learning that it's okay to make some sacrifices that in the long run will help you reach big, purposeful goals. I'm learning that it's best to take your life in the direction you feel called and lead, rather than the direction everyone tells you you're to go. I'm learning that maybe it's even okay to be scared and unsure, but to step out anyway trusting that God will take care of us along the way. Because HE has a plan.

I still have days that I let fear control me, but I'm learning so much about resting in HIS plans and trusting him through this phase. There is so much joy and excitement in this journey, and God has already worked out many details and unexpected opportunities since we made the initial step in this direction. Along the way, we have felt nothing but confirmation that we have made the right decision.

I hope that this little post about the journey we are on right now can bring encouragement to some of you. Don't be afraid! Trust in HIS plan and enjoy the journey and adventures along the way! It can be pretty amazing.

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