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Our Morning Routine

Ever since I graduated and have been back with my little family consistently, I have struggled to find some sense of routine. I went from a fairly regular and routine oriented schedule to a schedule that is totally up to me. Yeah, I know that sounds amazing, but for someone who is highly routine and plan oriented, it's been a major adjustment.

I'm thankful to be done with the college schedule and to be a full time SAHM right now. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but it has been more difficult than I thought to figure out what a routine without school looks like for me and my family. Thankfully, this past week I finally felt like we were settling into a loose, but very good basic routine. I am really hoping to keep up with it over the summer at least!

Here's a little look at what our mornings have been looking like lately!


Wake up: Usually G and I get up between 7:30 and 8:30 each morning. Usually it's around 8:00 when my husband gets back from working third shift.

Breakfast: We usually all eat something simple together...a bowl of cereal...some scrambled eggs, toast and fruit...simple is best. Oh, and lots of coffee, at least for me!!

After Breakfast: The husband heads to bed (thank you third shift), and G plays while I tidy up the kitchen and try to spend some time journaling or reading my devotional. We usually play together some too!

Getting Ready: At some point, I get G ready for the day, and then put on either Baby Einstein, or Signing Time for him to watch while I throw myself together.

Alternative after breakfast/getting ready plan: I throw G and myself together and we head to the park to play on the playground (one of his new favorite things to do!!) and walk the lovely walking track before it gets too hot. This is my favorite new thing to do, because it keeps little man really happy and entertained, and I get to exercise a little too!

Naptime: Typically G naps at some point mid-morning or right around lunchtime. Usually, he settles in and nurses to sleep, but sometimes if he's fighting extra hard, we drive around to get him to snooze. Either way, I use this naptime to do household chores, work on writing, or spend some time just for myself, reading, journaling or watching a favorite TV show.

And that pretty much brings us up to lunchtime, so there you have it! Our morning routine. This is by no means a strict routine, and it isn't something we do every single day, but it's something that we've begun developing and I like it a lot. It isn't perfect, it gets messy, and I still have plenty of times where I feel like everything is falling apart, but even so, this has given us a loose structure and that is something that has been very needed in my life of late.

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