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Our Baseball Life

baseball, family, life

Hi there! Hope you're having a wonderful week! Today, I'm talking baseball!

If you don't already know this about our family, we are a serious baseball family. My husband played baseball from 4 years old through college, and currently is a highschool pitching coach. Baseball is an integral and driving force in his life. He loves every technical aspect about playing, coaching and watching the sport. His passion and dedication to baseball and the players he coaches is really awesome to see grow and change as he's developed as a coach.

I, on the other hand, grew up with only a very basic knowledge of baseball, and, quite frankly, thought it was the most boring sport invented (with the exception of golf). Then I met my husband while he was still pitching in college, and it's funny how things changed! He has patiently taught me about the sport he so loves, and his love of it has worn off on me. I am becoming more and more confident in my understanding of baseball and actually enjoy watching it now. I have come quite a long way, I am proud to say.

With him coaching, we spent quite a large portion of the spring at the baseball field cheering on his team. Even little man already loves it! After games, we always go out on the field with daddy, and little man gets to run around and play with daddy's fungo bat.

Baseball is truly a huge part of our lives, and it has become a special time for our family. Cheering for daddy, seeing little man's excitement to meet him on the field after a game and enjoying the evening as they clean up the field, and coaches finish up talking has become irreplaceable, memorable bonding time for our family. I hope it never ends and we hope that this continues to grow and become an even more significant part of our family as my husband pursues a career in coaching.

As I've learned to accept, understand, appreciate, and even love baseball, there are a few things that stand out about it to me. One thing that's awesome is how much respect is given in the sport. No matter how competitive the game is, or how angry a call makes the participants, there is always a certain amount of respect expected and given. I think that's really important in sports, but also in life, and it's awesome to see a sport that teaches that so well. Baseball also teaches you to always, always keep pushing forward and to never give up. Often you fail more than you succeed in baseball, but through this, you persevere and become better and stronger. This is another essential life lesson that baseball teaches quite well.

Even though our baseball season is over, I thought I'd go ahead and share some of my favorite shots that were taken at games this year. All of the photos before the quote were taken by my amazing sister who is currently traveling Europe! (Check out her travel/style blog by clicking the link on the right side of my home page. Seriously, she's amazing!!). Enjoy!!

“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” Babe Ruth

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