10 Random Facts About Me

Hi there! As I'm revamping this blog after a long time away from it, I thought it would be fun to do a post full of random facts about me. I always enjoy reading posts like this from other bloggers, because it is a fun, easy way to get to know the person behind the screen a little bit more. Soooo....here it goes!
1. When I took the Myers Briggs, it put me in between INFJ and INFP.After reading about these characteristics, it totally makes sense that I would be both. It was also reassuring to realize that I'm not just
crazy for the way I interact with the world! Where are my fellow INFJ/INFPs?
2. So yeah, I'm definitely an introvert, although I have learned to function more extroverted when needed. It doesn't mean I’m weird, but does mean that I hate small talk, and crave deep, authentic relationships, get overwhelmed easily in group/public settings, and need quiet time to recharge.
3. I am a stay at home mom, but I do freelance writing and creative work on the side. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to be home with Little Man during these early years, while also continuing to pursue what I enjoy doing and help out a little bit financially.
4. Network marketing drives me crazy. I've been contacted countless times by people selling network marketing items, and while I get that some of the items might actually good, and that it works for some people to sell and buy this way, it is something that really turns me off. I don't want someone to act like they like me and want to befriend me just to get my money and get me hooked in. It's almost insulting, and is 100% not my thing.
5. In college, our choir toured to Colorado in March. One day we went into Estes Park and hiked around Bear Lake. It was covered in DEEP snow. We literally walked across the lake, and a group of us split off and climbed up one of the mountainsides next to the lake. How did we get back down in all of that snow, you might wonder? Well, my then friend (now husband) lead the way, clearing a path for our little adventurous group, and the rest of us slid down the mountain on our bottoms. Yep. We did that.
6. One of the biggest surprises of my life was when I found out we were expecting Little Man. It wasn't planned and I really didn't expect to become a mom so young. However, he was the biggest blessing
I didn't even know I needed and I would NEVER change having him. Worth. Every. Bit of it.
7. I love growing things! We have tons of house plants and a small garden on our deck. However, I have killed every succulent we have gotten within a very short time. Apparently I'm missing something, so I've switched to cute little artificial succulents instead!
8. I'm passionate, opinionated and not afraid to voice what I'm thinking. That comes with its pros and cons, and has created its own problems at times.
9. My favorite TV show that is still being made is Big Bang Theory. It is the funniest!
10. I use a planner, and make tons of notes for everything. It's the only way I can even slightly keep up with life. What about you? What is the most random fact about yourself? I'd love to hear it!