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I Understand

Today, I'm going to talk about something that may be controversial and might offend some, but I feel that it needs to be discussed. I'm a Christian. I grew up as part of a Christian family who attended church regularly. I embrace that faith as my own now, and it is a guiding part of my life and something I find extremely important. That being said, I can understand why so many leave the church when they reach adulthood and I can understand why so many who are not already Christians scoff at the idea of Christianity – and I don't think it's their fault and I don't think this generation is to be blamed for being inherently “bad.” I think the church is to blame. I think Christians are to blame.

For a faith that is built on a loving, giving, faithful savior – one that is built on spreading that love to others – that is absolutely sad and shameful. Let me explain what I mean by all of this.

Have you ever noticed how very, incredibly, ridiculously arrogant, judgmental, unkind and just plain mean many Christians, churches and denominations are to one another? Have you ever noticed how if someone doesn't look the same as everyone else (ie. is “too fat,” “too skinny,” or is covered in piercings or tattoos), or isn't a certain class type or educational level, they are not wanted in many churches...aren't welcome? Have you ever noticed how churches and Christians talk about grace so much, but when it comes to actually showing grace fall flat on their faces? Have you noticed a faith based on moralism (the things you do or don't do right)? Have you ever noticed how unwilling people are to change and accept the new? Or how churches and different denominations are in childlike competition with one another instead of working together and setting aside differences? Or how churches talk about how important ministry is, yet refuse to help the people who are on their doorsteps and obviously in need in their community?

To me, these are all the things that are wrong with the church and Christianity right now, and I doubt that I am the only one who feels this way. As a Christian, I see these things, and it makes me angry, because this is not what Christianity is about! This is not what the church is about!

To be honest, if it's all about going to the biggest church that has only the wealthiest in attendance, excluding those who aren't like me and believe or look different than me, withholding grace and instead handing out judgment and arrogance while competing with one another and refusing to change...I want nothing to do with it, because that does not show Christ.

What does show Christ? Love and acceptance, and welcoming with open arms regardless of financial or social status or physical appearance. Less judgment and arrogance and more grace. Community, rather than competition. Working together and collaborating rather than competing over ideas, numbers and status. Ministering in the community with no exclusions, even if it's hard. Because that is showing Christ's love to others. That is being the church. That is what it is about.

I'm not pretending that I have it all figured out, but I do see some blatantly obvious problems in the church. Christians are humans too … I realize that. Christians make mistakes too. Where the issue comes in though, is when they refuse to see their wrong, and are unwilling to change. Where the issue comes in is when Christianity becomes a social gathering that's only about status. Where the issue comes in is when needy, hurting people are excluded. Where the issue comes in is when Christians refuse to practice what they teach. This is what is detrimental to the church. and until Christians, churches and denominations are willing to open their eyes and admit that they are largely to blame for the problems they are experiencing, people are going to continue to leave and few new people will be interested in being a part of it.

I want to wrap this up by saying, “I'm sorry.” I'm sorry if you've been hurt by the hypocrisy seen in the church. I'm sorry if you've needed someone to been neglected when you needed someone the most. If you've been hurt by the church, I am sorry, because this is not what Christianity is about. I want you to know that in God's family, you are welcome. You may carry a past, you may be broken, you may have scars, you may have screwed up, you may be poor, you may not have a college degree or an amazing job, and you may not look like everyone else – but that is okay. You are welcome, because we are all humans that are full of brokenness, and Christ gave himself for all of us.

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